Monday, September 17, 2007

Its my freinds

I told you people that I love show offs. This is my first time having a rose on my hand. My freind don't love show offs I just had to do it for her. I remember when she came with them she was so happy I had never seen her like that.She was so happy. The boyfreind is so sweet and caring.The best thing anbout flowers is that you dont realiose how romantic they are until you bbuy them.The thing is African man dont wan t to show their wifes how romantic they are. I bealive that everyman is romantic in his own way. If you dont aggree with me feel free to comment. you know.


Have you seen this women !
She is charged of being the most influential women in politics of South Africa.If you see her please call 0823456789 and ask to speak to cleo. There is a reward fro aperson who will call. Let it be you.


Me and show offs.

This is my friend's Rose,her boyfriend gave it to her on their first date. I just had to show it off you know me and show offs. It is not jealousy or anything I am just admiring a man who has done the right thing.

Me and Bantu Holomisa

My mother told me never ever pose for pictures with politicians but I broke the law Will my mother ever forgive me for this? Maybe she will forgive me since I posed with the hot Xhosa man.

What about security guard sleeping on duty?

You said you wanted a job then why are you sleeping on duty? I know its is natures call. Please do what you get payed for. To be suprised when a person want a job you will she will cry let her get a job. This is what he or she will do slepp while on duty.

My first accident story.

This was my the first story of accident I have done with my colluege Gopolang. We looked so professional everyone wanted to speak to us. No one died but they were seriously enjured.It happened on my home town,kasi yaka.The thing with being a young black women covering an event like this everyone will be at your back especially the police they are not co-oporative. We manage to take beautiful pictures and interwied the best people.Our editor was so impressed. I never thought I can handle such a story.

Thursday, September 13, 2007

What inside my mind

Confusion can lead you to many things but your voice inside always tell you to do the right thing. AS to what is inside my mind I dont know because Iam always thinking about what is on my mind. Then I ask my self this question what is realy on my mind? I think Iam confused.What is to think,does it have to do with my mind.If I have a mind then What is inside my mind?Is what is inside my mind causing me to think.If it true Iam one hell of a confused human being.

Monday, September 10, 2007

My tertiary studies at my home town

I lived in Soshanguve for 18 years and I never knew that I will also do my tertiary qualifications here.When I was still in primary I wanted to go and study far from Soshanguve.Studing at my home town has made me realise how fortunate Iam to be a resident of Soshanguve,because in our university many of the student there are not from Soshanguve even you who is reading this message.I was suprised that I was the only one in my class who is from Soshanguve and I was quit disappointed that ,chhildren of Soshanguve don't futher their studies.I get bored sometimes because many of my class mates stay in the campus and they will talk about what happening around the campus I will just keep quiet.I enjoye studing at my home town especiall when studing journalism.