Monday, October 29, 2007

A man killed by lightning

Man killed by lightning

A young man dies after being stricken by the lightning on Wednesday evening.
A young man who was on his way back to his home in block HH, rushed at it was all nice visiting his girlfriend on his way back home lightning stroked and cause the man to be in flames. There were three of them he was the one on the middle the other two fell down and he was the only one who was left standing and burning. Witness who was near the scene rushed to the near by house and ask for water to extinguish the fire. He was still alive when the fire stops burning. Paramedics came after one hour to assist but it was already too late for the young man.

He died on the scene. Residents of block GG are still shocked about what has happened, some suspect that this is witchcraft. Police said they are still investigating the case but the police man was not willing to comment on the issue because everyone was shocked about the issue.Ntebo who is the member of the residents said that what has happened will always be on their minds every time the lightning strike she has to ask herself who is next.

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