Thursday, October 25, 2007

What up Mr President?

Once again I patiently and excitedly, I sat there waiting for my President to deliver his state of the nation address .I had a pen and a book ready to jot down the poetic words and the quotes that Mr. Mbeki always uses, but guess what 5minutes latter nothing poetic from the president.

Year after year I and the rest of South Africa wait for the Nation address , eave though we understand bokkerol of what our president is talking about, but the never the less we wait for him to say something. But I have to give it to Mbeki on his speech it is exactly about the real issues that these country faceses day in and day out. The economy was one of the topics he mentioned first, I mean the man went to London just to study economics I for one don’t blame him for concentrating so much on the economy of Africa even if it means him interfering in other countries affairs because he doesn’t want his neighbors affair to affect his economy. And of course he mentions’ the 2010 world cup. The crime in our country plus the leadership crisis is the Anc. He is not the only one worried about Anc earlier this month the former State President Nelson Mandela during the funeral of Adeline Tambo said the leaders must put “the wellbeing of organization above their personal and sectarian differences. I admit I was not following the president 100% but some of the ministers were fast asleep such as Jackie Selebi was dreaming about his scandals. Then Mbeki sang praises of what the country has achieved during the past five years, I agree with him we have achieved a lot with our young democracy. It is said that the earning power of our black elite has tippled in the past five years but now the great percentage of South Africans are getting poorer everyday. Poverty was one the main focus that Mbeki was talking about and the great successes of the economy, remember he is an economist.

Among promises that he made was the promise to promote the small and medium business sector. The government committed itself in increasing spending on scientific research and development, for 2munites I made a small prayer; lord please let Manto Tshabalala to hear what Mbeki was talking about Amen.
If you know Mbeki you know most he said and so on and so worth. And of course he went on we shall, we shall all we have to do is wait and see if the promises they make will come to pass.
What a Appreciating boss Mbeki is, he thanked many aspects of government and ministers. Mbeki celebrated South Africa non-permanent seat on the UN Secretary Council, I bet there was a small meeting in hell of Terreblanche, Verwoerd and Botha and the others probably saying “kyk net die kafers, hulle dink hulle is slim”.

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